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Suitable for all hoof types in all weather conditions for versatility 


  • Very easy to use


Hoof Doctor promotes external health allowing internal and sensitive structures to do their job, but alone will generally not fix your problem. Hoof Doctor is one pillar of an overall approach to a healthier horse.


-100% natural ingredients with no synthetic chemicals


  • The can lasts for approximately 35 days when applied 3 times a week to 1 hoof



  • It comes with a brush for application. It is a thin liquid, so you have to put on a little at a time to not waste it by dripping off the brush or running off the hoof


Hoof Doctor is doesn't clog the pores of the wall. It fills voids and fissures that can be pathways to pathogens. If the hoof has been invaded by bacteria or fungus, the product must be applied to the coronet band, hoof wall, frog, bulb and sole as indicated


Hoof Doctor - White Line | Thrush | Abscesses | Quarter Crack | Seedy Toe | Corn

VAT Included
  • Shake well before use

    • Clean the hoof of visible mud. Towel dry the bottom of the foot
    • Apply the product generously with the supplied brush to the sole and frog. Then put the foot down, and apply to the coronet band and wall.
    • Only a few minutes of wait time for the product to absorb, and you can turn the horse out right away.

    Apply three times a week for maintenance.

    For severe conditions, apply twice a day for at least a week.

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